Each week, the Murray Edwards MCR committee will share some of the opportunities and events coming up around Cambridge.
Please send your suggestions and announcements to mcr-secretary@murrayedwards.cam.ac.uk
Please find the Lent Term Card with all college events here.
Events- Academic and Professional
Events- Social
Zumba Classes- Mon/Thurs/Sat
Zumba classes in The University Centre for £4/class
- Monday:7-8pm
- Thursday:7-8pm
- Saturday:11am-noon
Careers and Volunteering
Cambridge Carbon Challenge 2018 now open for submissions
You are invited to submit your innovative ideas for reducing air miles and finding alternatives to flying within the University. Contribute to University efforts to reduce carbon emissions in one of the most challenging yet significant aspects of the University’s carbon footprint.
To find out more and to submit your idea, visit: https://www.environment.admin.cam.ac.uk/carbon-challenge
New skills development programme: Engage For Change
If you are excited by the prospect of implementing innovative solutions to sustainability challenges, this new 6-week programme funded by the University’s Environment and Energy team is for you: https://www.cambridgehub.org/activities/engage-for-change
Engage for Change is for people who want to learn to make change happen, through effective conversations with those around and above them. You will develop the skills to design, implement and evaluate your own environmental sustainability-related interventions, using the University as a testing-ground.
Student Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Opportunity
Ever wondered how investors decide which startups to invest in? Ever wished you could be a fly-on-the-wall when these deals are being discussed and made? We can do better than that!
No Scenarios. No roleplay. Real capital. Real startups. Real decisions.
Cambridge is launching one of the first ever on-campus student VC (Venture Capital) groups in the UK. As a member, you are an acting investor, dealing with real startups who are pitching for real investment, and testing your ability to spot good opportunities. Experience the world of venture capital from the investor’s side of the table. Understand what makes a company investable in the early stages and how to think like a venture capital investor.
No matter your degree discipline, if you have an active interest in high-growth startups or in venture investment, you should apply.
As a student VC, you will make early-stage decisions and experience the full investment process, enabling you to build a real-world investment portfolio and much more. You’ll also nurture many transferable skills such as teamwork, negotiation, and critical thinking.
Apply now to become part of this exciting new group at https://goo.gl/forms/zauOqs4RbFaRGpXO2
For more information on Campus Capital visit http://www.campuscapital.vc and if you have any questions please email us at: cambridge@campuscapital.vc
Study Participants Wanted
The BlueSci 2018 Mental Wellbeing Survey
Does your subject affect your mental wellbeing?
BlueSci are carrying out a survey to understand students’ mental wellbeing and how it relates to the subjects we study. Your workload, your subject matter, the people around you – how do they affect you?
This survey takes 5 minutes and the results will be published in the next issue of BlueSci. Your answers will help to show how faculties can best support us during our time at the University of Cambridge. Please follow the link to the survey: https://goo.gl/forms/LbRgKBC3BGa4NFSI2
Adaptive Brain Lab-£8/hour
The Adaptive Brain Lab is recruiting for a study investigating brain waves and learning. We are looking for right handed participants aged 18-35, with normal or corrected-to-normal vision.The study includes an initial practice session with our computer-based task (1 hour/£7) and a second session, during which we would record your brain actvitiy with EEG (2 hours/£16). If you would like more information, or would like to take part, please email abgparticipate@gmail.com with an email titled ‘Liam’s Study’.
Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute- £7.50
Get £7.50 for participating in the study, ‘How precise is your reality?’.
Study : Simple mental task & a questionnaire
Criteria: 18-35 years old; fluent in English; healthy (normal or corrected to normal vision/hearing and no current/history of psychological conditions)
Duration: 1 hour
Location: Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, Downing Site, Cambridge
Available time slots are listed here:
If you have any questions, please contact Simon Kwon (smk63@cam.ac.uk).
If you would like to run an event please fill out the form to send your ideas and any requests to the committee