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Each week, the Murray Edwards MCR committee will share some of the opportunities and events coming up around Cambridge.

Please send your suggestions and announcements to

Events- Academic and Professional


Global Health Governance, Who Governs Global Health

When: Tuesday 26th February 19:30-21:00
Where: Fisher Building, St John’s College
Facebook Event

 Featuring an exciting panel of four experienced speakers with a variety of perspectives on the challenges facing Global Health Governance and how to implement positive change.


Europe After Brexit: A one-day conference examining the future stability of the European Union

When: 10.30am-4.45pm Friday 29 March 2019
Where: SG1/SG2 of the Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge
Book tickets and find more information here 

The European Union is facing the most serious crisis in its history and could be on a pathway to disintegration. The question of whether the EU can survive depends on its ability to withstand three decisive challenges – the widespread loss of faith in the Liberal orthodoxies on which the EU was built; the shifting geopolitical environment, in particular the apparent withdrawal of American sponsorship for European integration and attempts by Russia to undermine the EU’s internal unity; and the inevitability of another economic recession, which has the potential to overwhelm the Eurozone. All this has implications for the UK, which will remain umbilically bound to the European continent, as it always has been. To this end, the University of Cambridge’s Forum on Geopolitics will organise a one-day conference that assesses the future of the EU on the day the UK leaves the union and asks whether the apparently deepening crisis in Europe poses an unforeseen challenge to the UK’s security, prosperity and political system after its exit from the EU.


Cambridge International Development Conference

When: Saturday 2nd March
Where: Murray Edwards College
Book tickets here

We invite you to join us for the annual Cambridge International Development Conference, held this Saturday 2nd March at Murray Edwards College- with an exciting lineup of keynote speakers and panel discussions in addition to a networking session over the lunch hour, this event is definitely not to be missed!

Keynote Speakers include:

  • Baroness Caroline Cox – founder of the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust
  • Harriet Lamb– CEO of International Alert
  • Oscar Gillespie-Techfugees Cambridge chapter lead.

In addition, our panel themed ‘Women in Equality’ will include:

  • Leah Moss– Policy and Advocacy Officer at Plan International
  • Amika George– Founder of Free Periods Campaign
  • Hibo Wardere– One of Britain’s most prominent anti-FGM campaigners


Events- Social

Post-Formal Wine & Cheese

When: 26 Feb, 21:00
Where: Murray Edwards MCR.

Join us for Wine and Cheese in the MCR after this week’s Formal Hall!


BOP Tickets on sale!

When: Saturday 2nd March, 21:00
Where: Murray Edwards Dome
Get your tickets here – £3 in advance and £5 at the door.


Science Week Ceilidh

When: Monday 11 March, 19:30-21:30
Where: Emmanuel URC Church, Trumpington Street, CB2 1RR
More info: website
Put on your dancing shoes and join the Red Rock Ceilidh Band to celebrate the start of the Science Festival! Featuring Festival favourite dances, The Very Large Hadron Collider, Newton’s Cradle and Mr Schrödinger’s Maggot.
Open to the General Public and University members – Families with children welcome
ADMISSION : £7 [£4 students/unwaged].



Cambridge Central Asia Forum in collaboration with GCRF COMPASS and the Centre of Development Studies is delighted to invite you to our annual Navroz celebrations!

When: 8 March, 18:00-20:00
Where: Jesus College Chapel, Jesus Lane, Cambridge CB5 8BL
Navroz transcends religious, ethnic, linguistic, and national divisions and brings people together. It showcases the region’s rich tradition and mythology for the world to experience. Above all else it is an occasion for celebration. This year the programme focuses on music and cultural performances from the countries which celebrate Navroz. There will also be a display of handicraft items and refreshments from the region.

This is a free event but registration is mandatory. Please RSVP to by 1 March 2019.


Careers and Volunteering

Oxford Summer Courses is now hiring seasonal staff for our summer courses in Cambridge, Oxford, and London.

On Wednesday 13th March we welcome interested newcomers and existing staff members to join us for an evening of informal networking, nibbles, and a talk from the COO of Simprints Technology. Sign up here!


Study Participants Wanted

 lgbtQ+@cam (School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Cambridge) are conducting research on LGBTQ+ identity disclosure and concealment within the university community.

For more information, contact Elisabeth Sandler via

University of Cambridge Huntingdon Rd, Cambridge CB3 0DF, UK