Many of the sports societies use the tennis/netball or the squash courts and are a great way to get involved in the college community.
The courts are available to book for any college member and can easily be done through the RMS system or at the Porters Lodge.
The tennis courts have been open to be booked during COVID time and the regulations, when they are open, on how to do so and how to use them under Covid can be found here.
Currently, the courts are not available to be booked.


The college gym is open from 6 am – 11 pm every day.
Gym membership costs £18.00 per term or £45.00 per year.
Inductions are required as this is an unsupervised facility.
Induction sessions are held several day at the beginning of each term and the booked online.
Find out more at college gym website.
The gym is currently not operating.