Hi girls,
This is to remind you all that tomorrow night after formal there will be
elections for positions on the 2012/13 MCR Committee. This will take place
in the MCR from approximately 9:15pm. Several positions on the committee have not had any nominations.
Nominations for these roles will stay open until someone fills them – so if
you think you may be interested get in touch with me or come along to the
elections tomorrow night. The roles that have not had nominations are:
Treasurer, Green Officer, Welfare Officer, Computing Officer, Social
Secretary (only 2 nominations for 4 positions so far) and General Member. At the same time as the elections we will have an Open Meeting so feel free
to come along and raise any issues that you would like to discuss. Finally, a reminder that tomorrow night the formal is Jubilee themed!! Use
your imagination – think Union Jacks, hats & fascinators etc…. Cheers,
elections for positions on the 2012/13 MCR Committee. This will take place
in the MCR from approximately 9:15pm. Several positions on the committee have not had any nominations.
Nominations for these roles will stay open until someone fills them – so if
you think you may be interested get in touch with me or come along to the
elections tomorrow night. The roles that have not had nominations are:
Treasurer, Green Officer, Welfare Officer, Computing Officer, Social
Secretary (only 2 nominations for 4 positions so far) and General Member. At the same time as the elections we will have an Open Meeting so feel free
to come along and raise any issues that you would like to discuss. Finally, a reminder that tomorrow night the formal is Jubilee themed!! Use
your imagination – think Union Jacks, hats & fascinators etc…. Cheers,